Do I need a Trust or is a Will Enough?

As an Estate Planning attorney, one of the most common questions I get from my clients is whether or not they should execute a Revocable Living Trust as part of an effective plan to protect their assets and ease the administrative burden on their families. The answer? It depends on a variety of factors and your […]
Estate Administration 101 – Frequently Asked Questions

As our practice continues to expand into helping people administer estates for their loved ones, we are confronting many questions from clients. Individuals that are grieving and coping with the death of a loved one are often overwhelmed with the extra burden of ensuring that the assets of their dearly departed are properly managed and […]
Estate Planning for Parents of Minor Children

One of the most common estate planning scenarios I come across is helping young parents provide for the ongoing care of their minor children if the unthinkable should happen to them and their spouse (or another parent). This is a scary and serious discussion for parents that is never easy to have however, it is […]
Top 10 Reasons to Update Your Will

(And Other Related Estate Planning Documents) While many of my clients seek out my services because they don’t have any estate plan in place, just as many others are looking to update documents that were executed at an earlier time in their lives. As we walk through different phases of lives, our personal financial status, […]